Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gynecomastia, male breast surgery, liposuction, breast enlargement in male, surgical gland excision, Dr Alexander, Plastic cosmetic surgeon, cochin, kerala, India+

Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement can often be a source of embarrassment and young men often wear loose clothing to hide their large breasts. Surgery can be of great help in these patients but one has to be aware that often there is a combination of gland and fat in these breasts. The fat can often be managed by liposuction whereby a small opening is made just below and lateral to the breast, a canula or tube is inserted in and the fat slowly sucked away. However when the fat has been sucked away sometimes the gland may manifest itself and this may not come out through the canula. In such cases often the surgeon has to make a second incision which is usually masked and not easily seen, to remove this gland. The picture shown above is that of a male breast gland removed during gynecomastia surgery combined with liposuction.

For a detailed discussion on gynecomastia please visit+
