Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Axillary breast, breast liposuction, breast surgery, plastic surgery India, cosmetic surgery India, Dr Alexander, plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon, cochin, kerala, kochi, medical tourism +

Charles Darwin changed the course of our thinking with his revolutionary theory in the 'Descent of man' first published in 1871. That we could have evolved from apes as mutations occurred in the 'evolution of species' and the 'survival of the fittest', was put down as a possibility. Yet all life seems to be connected, though we may not be able to prove it conclusively. The organic molecules that joined together to form the first living structures that were able to multiply must then be considered our original forefathers. We must then believe that inanimate gave way to animate, that life originated from non living... Can we then imagine that one day our tables and chairs, our pots and pans, under unknown conditions may evolve into something living??

It is funny that we consider them non living. Every atom has protons electrons and other particles that are constantly moving and performing some specific functions-- wonder whether we should call them non living or living??? radioactive particles even set of chain reactions ….

On the other hand our understanding of the divine is miniscule, the cosmos remains proof of that. We can hardly fathom the universe we understand, the universes beyond remain a mystery. The big bangs, the black holes and the unending space theories makes us realize that little do we know about anything, including ourselves.
What existed before the big bang????

Because we are unable to see or feel God, we fail to accept him. Yet God has continued to exist only because people are able to experience him. There are things that one cannot explain and must be left at that- till something crops up or an explanation is offered.

Medicine is the same- though we presume to know much, our understanding is naught. Little do we know the micro mechanisms that go on in a cell, nor do we know why our genomes are so long, what mysteries do they code and when will we encode them meaningfully....we make observations and then we make conclusions.... what prompts the DNA to decode, copy and multiply??? who programmed it or does it auto program itself ?? where did it get this ability?? can we presume that the the first DNA blocks that were formed from the soup of organic molecules are part of our DNA codes as well??Why does evolution prefer beauty to ugly...the trees, the leaves, the flowers, the mountains, the rivers, the birds, the bees, the human being, all prove that even evolution favors beauty to ugly... why does mutations not lead to healthy monstrous off springs ??

well- we are diverging from the point- 'axillary breast'
Animals like dogs have multiple breasts along what is referred to as the milk line. This line extends from the axilla to the groin. Going by Darwin's theory, in our evolution we lost many of those breasts and retained the ones over our anterior chest. However sometimes one of these breasts may occur along other positions on the milk line. When it does occur near the axilla or in it, it is referred to as the 'axillary breast'. Sometimes fat deposition at this site may mimic this as well.
Axillary breasts may cause pain, produce milk or discharge or become a cosmetic deformity preventing a lady from even wearing appropriate attires.
Treating an axillary breast will depend on whether it is predominantly fatty or has hard glandular tissue and whether the skin is in excess and overhanging.
When fat is a problem liposuction will help.
When breast tissue is tough and liposuction fails then open surgery may be needed.
When the skin is in excess then the skin also will need to be removed by keeping the incision cosmetically acceptable +

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