Saturday, June 8, 2013

Treating complex burn injuries, accidents, electric transformer burns, AC alternating current burns, DC direct current burns, scalp transposition flap, electrical burns, high voltage burns, hair, head burn, skin loss, skin grafting, tissue loss, Dr Alexander George, plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgeon, Cochin, kerala, India+ +

Electrical burns can be a serious affair, particularly when the patient suffers high voltage burns. The unfortunate gentleman shown above suffered severe deep burns from a high voltage (11000 volts) burn from a transformer related accident. The burns shown on the scalp or back of head is a full thickness burn or probably a 4th degree burn reaching deep down to the skull bone. This was confirmed in the second stage where the debridement or removal of dead tissues resulted in the bone being exposed. While the areas with viable tissues could be covered by a skin graft, the central with exposed skull bone needed a flap cover which was provided by shifting the adjoining skin - ( referred to as a transposition flap). The last picture shows all the wounds to have healed well. However he will need some surgery in the future - such as a tissue expander insertion to expand the adjoining hairy skin to provide good hair coverage. Wigs, hair weaving or  other non surgical techniques can be used for those  who wish to avoid further surgery+

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