Thursday, January 17, 2013

Factors affecting wound healing: Emotional stress, age, Dr Alexander, plastic surgeon, cosmetic surgery, Cochin, kerala, India+

 Fetal tissues (baby in the womb) when injured heal perfectly- because these tissues have the ability to regenerate. At birth we loose this ability and our tissue can only repair- not regenerate new tissues or organs. The liver is probably the only organ that can regenerate in the adult presently. When we become old (old age) our skin is easily damaged. The ability of cells in old age to multiply is also reduced. These factors lead to poor wound healing in old age.
There is still hope: our anti aging scientist is seriously involved in finding the secrets to eternal youth.
One of the key players in now what is known as regenerative medicine is the stem cell. As you all know we evolve from the fusion of two cells- one from each parent. As these cells multiply it forms different types of cells. Stem cells are those that have the potential to develop into any type of cell that is required by the body. The problem is we do not know what triggers it or why it stops regenerating at some stage. It appears that everything is programmed to stop at some time. If not uncontrolled growth and regeneration would have led to a population explosion with no place to go.
Medical sciences are lost in trying to get this stem cell (harvesting) and then utilizing them to make the type of tissue the patient needs. For example if the patient has lost his wind pipe through cancer, then the stem cell can be stimulated to grow into a windpipe by providing it with a proper structure and other factors. The same would work for other organs also. Once we are able to do this there will be no need for any organ transplantation.

When we suffer an injury or have a wound, most of us get depressed or undergo stress. It has been shown that emotional stress hampers wound healing by increasing the blood pressure and blood levels of cortisol (steroids), which in turn decreases our immunity. Fear and distress prior to surgery has been found to lead to higher postoperative complications, longer hospital stays, higher rates of rehospitalization, poor wound healing  and ultimately poorer outcomes.
So guys sit back and relax when you have a wound
let the surgeon undergo stress!!
For more details follow the link:

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