Thursday, December 6, 2012


Protruding ears, prominent ears, bat ears.
Have you seen the ears of a bat? Well they are mammals that posses the largest ears when compared to the body size. Size is not the only feature, in addition they stand out and are prominent and protrude outside. Children are ridiculed in schools and made fun off for the prominent or bat ears. Long hair is often used to hide the prominent ears.
 However the ears become a source of embarrassment especially when the hair has to be combed back or tied up over the head.

 Ear setback is a special procedure to correct the position of the ears and reduce their prominence usually the cut or incision is made on the inner side or medial side of the ear i.e. ear side facing the head. In this way the incision line is not seen. The ear cartilage is then exposed through this incision and then shaped to let it gently fall back.

This position is decided proportionately in discussion with the patient as the level of setback varies from person to person. I once had a police man who asked me if I could actually stick his ears to his head as he shaved his head regularly and the ears were a big source of embarrassment

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